
Recruit Training Regiment Leaders

Portrait of Colonel Peter M. Rummler
Colonel Peter M. Rummler
Peter M. Rummler, Commanding Officer, Commanding Officer, Recruit Training Regiment, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, CA

 Colonel Peter Rummler enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1994 and attended recruit training at Marine

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Portrait of Sergeant Major John J. Miller
Sergeant Major John J. Miller
Sergeant Major, Recruit Training Regiment, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, CA

Sergeant Major John J. Miller Sergeant Major, Recruit Training Regiment, San DiegoSergeant Major

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Recruit Training Regiment provides for reception, processing and training of enlisted personnel upon their accession into the Marine Corps and develops the Drill Instructors and officers responsible for recruit training in order to transform recruits into Basically Trained Marines, prepared to meet the challenges of their follow-on training.

In 1921 the Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego was formally commissioned and in 1923, it became the primary recruiting center for the west coast.  During World War II, the flow of recruits into the base surged, with 18,000 recruits arriving in one month.  In 1948, the base was formally named Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego and was home to the Recruit Training Regiment.



If you're moving to the San Diego area and are interested in military housing, please visit the Lincoln Military Housing web site at

The  Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) Marine Corps Recruit Depot webpage has information on the School Liaison Program, Exceptional Family Member Program, classes through Marine Corps Family Team Building, counseling services, employment opportunity and assistance, events on MCRD and more! Visit the site at to learn more and see all that is available to you.




The Crucible begins on T-54 Monday through T-56 Wednesday.

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