We make Marines by recruiting quality young men and women and transforming them through the foundations of rigorous basic training, our shared legacy, and a commitment to our core values, preparing them to win our nation’s battles in service to the country.
U.S. Marine Corps recruits with Echo Company, 2nd Recruit Training Battalion, stand in formation after completing the Reaper hike for the conclusion...
U.S. Marine Corps Senior Drill Instructor, Sgt. Justin Vancil, with Echo Company, 2nd Recruit Training Battalion, hands out the Eagle, Globe, and...
U.S. Marine Corps recruits with Hotel Company, 2nd Recruit Training Battalion, are issued gear as part of a receiving event at Marine Corps Recruit...
U.S. Marine Corps recruits with Hotel Company, 2nd Recruit Training Battalion, are briefed as part of a receiving event at Marine Corps Recruit Depot...
U.S. Marine Corps drill instructors with Receiving Company, Support Battalion, wait for recruits with Hotel Company, 2nd Recruit Training Battalion,...
The desire and drive to earn the title of Marine can be found across the Nation, from coast to coast, city to city. Over the last couple of years Marine Corps Recruiting Command has put a strong emphasis on finding well qualified and motivated individuals to become not only Marine Corps Officers, but Judge Advocates.
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U.S. Marines and Airmen conducted the first ever joint Toys for Tots operation, Dec 4 – 18, 2024 in isolated Alaskan communities. The Marines from a detachment of Company D, 4th Law Enforcement Battalion, Marine Forces Reserve, were assisted by Airmen from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson.
The Marine Corps Recruiting Command hosted Fiscal Year 2025’s National Officer Selection Officer Training Symposium in Orlando from December 9 - 13, 2024. NOSOTS plays a critical role in maintaining the Marine Corps' high standards by ensuring that Officer Selection Officers are well-prepared to recruit candidates who uphold the Corps values of honor, courage, and commitment.
As the lights dim, a hush sweeps over the audience – the anticipation builds. From the wings, steps a Marine in her iconic dress blue uniform. Her smile and poise grabs the audience’s attention. As she raises the microphone she draws in a breath and releases the first note letting her powerful voice fill the air.
Britney Moyeda is no stranger to adversity. As she donned her U.S. Marine Corps dress uniform in her recruiting office, she recalled the journey life has brought her thus far.
For today’s youth, charting a course through life becomes exponentially tedious when there is no one to provide guidance along the journey. Once high school is over, exams completed and going away parties had, what’s to do then?