
Photo Information

Guests of Lima Company, 3rd Recruit Training Battalion cheer on the newest Marines at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, Jan. 12, 2023. Friends and family of Lima Company attended the event to celebrate the completion of recruit training. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Grace J. Kindred)

Photo by Cpl. Grace Kindred

July 11, 2025 Lima Company Graduation, 3rd Recruit Training Battalion Series 3249-3253

3 Oct 2023 |

Recruit Families Information

MCRDSD Directions


Family Day
0630 MCRD San Diego opens for graduation visitor access Gate 5 (Washington St.)
0815 Warm Up Shepherd Field (Parade Deck)
0830 Motivational Run Shepherd Field (Parade Deck)
0930 Welcome Orientation Depot Theater
0945 Marine Corps 101 Depot Theater
1030 Company Commander’s Brief Depot Theater
1045 Beyond the Yellow Footprints Depot Theater
1120 Liberty Formation + Dismissal Shepherd Field (Parade Deck)
1145-1730 Depot Liberty

Family Day Breakfast
Breakfast items is available for purchase at the following locations:
Bay View Express (Depot Theater): 0700-1100
Marine Mart (MCX Mall):
Monday - Friday: 0600-1900
Sat/Sun: 0800-1800
The Common Grounds Cafe (Bldg 10): 0600-1000

Motivational Run
Shepherd Field (Parade Deck)
0830 (warm ups begin at 0815)

This is your first chance to see your new Marine. It is also the last time they will be together with their entire graduating company. Seating will be available at the Parade Deck bleachers.

Welcome Orientation
MCRD San Diego Depot Theater

Learn about what options (Dine, Shop, Play) will be available to you during Depot Liberty.
Marine Corps 101
MCRD San Diego Depot Theater

Join us at the Depot Theatre for an overview of Marine Corps history, customs, and courtesies as well as an in-depth look at resources and benefits available to your Marine worldwide! Don’t miss this presentation! Be part of your New Marines success!

Snacks, refreshments, and souvenirs are available to purchase outside the Depot Theater prior to the event.

Company Commander's Brief
MCRD San Diego Depot Theater

Hear from your new Marine's Company Commander as they cover the four phases of Marine Corps Boot Camp training followed by "Beyond the Yellow Footprints" presented by your Senior Drill Instructor.

Liberty Formation
Shepherd Field (Parade Deck)

The final ceremony before your new Marine is released for the afternoon. Come view the Marines form up for dismissal, and then give your Marine a big hug!

Depot Liberty
MCRD San Diego – New Marines cannot leave the Depot
1145 – 1730

It’s now that America’s newest Marines get to enjoy some well deserved time off from training. They can spend it aboard the depot watching a movie, going bowling, checking their email or just visiting with family and friends. Marines are welcome to explore the depot and shop at any of its facilities. Some of the favorite hangouts for new Marines and their families are the MCX Mall, the Bay View Restaurant, and the Community Center featuring Domino’s Pizza, free arcade games and bowling.

Liberty Lunch
The Bay View Restaurant
1100 – 1500

Everyone is invited and encouraged to meet their new Marine’s Drill Instructor. Say hello, take pictures or just give a heartfelt thanks to the Drill Instructors for a job well done.

MCRD SD MCCS click here

Marine Corps Graduation
0630              MCRD San Diego opens for graduation visitor access Gate 5 (Washington St.)
0730-0830    Color’s Ceremony Please be seated NLT 0730 Commanding General’s Bldg
0830-0945    Graduation Seating Please be seated NLT 0945 Shepherd Field
1000-1130    Graduation Ceremony Shepherd Field

Graduation Activities and Events
An evening hosted at the Bay View every Wednesday before Boot Camp Graduation. It is a chance to mingle with other new Marine families, meet the Senior Drill Instructors, relax on the beautiful bay on MCRD San Diego and get a sneak peek slide show of the crucible for the graduating class.

To purchase tickets for this event: click here

Información en español
Paquete de información de graduación en español Enlace al Guía Virtual de Graduación grabado en español:
Objetos perdidos
Preguntas Frecuentes en Español

Mobility Equipment Rentals
Mobility equipment is available to rent during your visit at MCRD San Diego. Equipment quantities are limited, and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Available starting at 0700 Graduation Week Thursdays and Fridays.
Located at Guest Services
Bldg. 16, MCX Mall
PRICES (all prices are per single day rental):
Single Stroller   
Double Stroller 
Electric Wheelchair        
Exclusions and conditions apply; see terms & conditions for details.
Mobility Equipment Rental Agreement Terms

American Sign Language (ASL) services
To request American Sign Language (ASL) services, please contact MCRD Protocol Office at Requests should be made as soon as possible but at least 3-4 weeks prior to arrival for Family Day and Graduation Events.

MCRD San Diego Graduation Guide (virtual)
Virtual Family Day Presentation
1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month.
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. PST

Have questions about what to expect for your upcoming trip to MCRD San Diego? Join us live on the first or 3rd Tuesday each month from 10:30AM – 12:00PM for a virtual presentation that will help prepare you.
To attend live, visit:
Passcode: family
Not able to attend a live virtual session? Checkout the pre-recorded session by visiting: